This project has been paused while I build my portfolio site!
Each day of the challenge a color palette was chosen at random by rolling dice. 
Then a brand was built off of this color palette and the required interfaces were designed for that brand.

Day 001 :: Sign Up
Day 002 :: Payment Screen
Day 003 :: Landing Screen
Day 004 :: Calculator
Day 005 :: App Logo
Day 006 :: User Profile
Day 007 :: Settings
Day 008 :: 404 Page
Day 009 :: Music Player
Day 010 :: Social Share Icon
Day 011 :: Flash Messages
Day 012 :: E-Commerce Product Page
Day 013 :: Direct Messages
Day 014 :: Countdown Timer
Day 015 :: On/Off Switch
Day 016 :: Pop-Up/Overlay
Day 017 :: Email Receipt
Day 018 :: Analytics Chart
This project is currently in progress... (Paused 3/1/2021)

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